Self-development, managing emotions and Self-esteem
Description: This is an 8 session group for adults who wish to raise their awareness, knowledge, and skills about their emotional wellbeing and self-esteem. People who are emotionally reactive have a tendency to have mood problems (sadness or anger), feel vulnerable and easily flooded with feelings, have a tendency to want to please others, blame others, complain, or feel victimized. Read more.
Dates /Times: Contact for starting date
Venue: Carrer de Muntaner 200, entresol 3b. 08036 Barcelona
Web Link: www.conniecapdevila.com/en/psychotherapy/group/
Cost: 195 euros (includes material)
RSVP: Email DraConnieCapdevila@copc.cat or call (+34) 683 47 53 17
Therapist: Dr. Connie Capdevila Brophy, Clinical Psychologist
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