Teresa Bas Baslé, MA, MA, Lic

Teresa Bas Baslé, MA, MA, Lic

Clinical psychologist, Psychotherapist and Dance Movement Psychotherapist

Trained in Spain, Argentina, Germany, and the UK. Provides services for: adults, adolescents, children, families, and groups. Languages: English, French, Catalan, and Spanish

Pl. Tetuan area and Gràcia


Background Information

I first trained both as a Clinical Psychologist (UB, 1996) and a Contemporary Dancer (since 1988). Later on, following my deep interest in mental health, human relationships, emotions and the relation between body and mind, I trained as Psychotherapist (UB, 1997-2000) and later as a Dance Movement Therapist (UAB, 2002-2005).

Working freelance in private practice and different institutions since 2000, I have a broad experience as psychotherapist and dance therapist working individually with adults suffering from mood disorders, anxiety, social/relational difficulties, life crises and other general life difficulties. As a dance movement psychotherapist, I also work with women around pregnancy and first motherhood, children and families, and I organize groups of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) and Authentic Movement for adults interested in developing their self-awareness through movement and body awareness.

I also work as a trainer, lecturer, co-therapist and supervisor in DMT in different centers and universities. For 8 years I have been part of the training team of the Masters program in Dance Movement Therapy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, as co-leader of student supervision groups, lecturer, co-therapist of student experiential groups and tutor.

Professional affiliations:

–         Member of the Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya (COPC, number 8903)

–         Registered Supervising Member (MTR) of the Asociación Española de Danza Movimiento Terapia (ADMTE),

–         Member of the Federación Española de Asociaciones de Psicoterapia (FEAP)


My view on psychotherapy and DMT is very integrative, taking aspects of relational psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology and family/systemic theory. It is that of safe and nonjudgmental environment in which I engage with the person on meaningful conversations about their inner world, their views on themselves and their relationships to others in the present and the past. We work together with the person’s feelings, dreams, thoughts or intuitions in order to help them express, understand and sometimes make conscious sense of what hurts or is difficult, and transform those aspects they wish to transform.

In DMT, both with adults or children, the “conversations” happen through words as well as movement, play and body language in general.

Services I offer:

Individual psychotherapy for adults and adolescents

Individual Dance Movement Therapy for adults, adolescents and children

Short-term therapy for adults.

Groups of Dance Movement Therapy

Groups of Authentic Movement

Supervision in movement for dance movement therapists and psychotherapists