Vera M. Hilb, MA

Vera M. Hilb, MA

Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist

Trained in Argentina, Canada, and Spain. Provides services for: children, teens, and adults. Languages: English, Spanish, and German

My office is in Sarria (Metro: Maria Cristina)

Background Information

I am a psychologist, specialising in clinical psychology. I graduated in psychology in Argentina and completed my Masters in Canada, on the subject of immigration. I graduated from each course with a Diploma of Honour. As a psychologist, my approach is psychoanalytical. I have worked in this field for 30 years.

I work with children, adolescents, adults, guiding parents, and the elderly. I also do case management and crisis intervention for families and institutions.

I coordinate therapeutical parental groups and provide therapeutical support for single mothers, new families,  in individual and group work.

I do the psychological assessment for specific tailored individual needs in homeschooling. Working with other professionals assessing alternative educational approaches.  I am also a children´s book writer.

Through my practise as a psychotherapist, I help the person make necessary changes in their inner life, as well as with their lives in relation to others, so they are able to face life using their own vital potential. I believe that although happiness might be an ideal, living ones life involves conflict – whether that be conscious or unconscious, as an individual or with relation to other people; whether in a relationship or a social context. It also involves self- recognition, an acknowledgement of ones capabilities and limits for problem solving. Through my therapeutic work, we sometimes use together humour  and so support the creative potential that arises. In my understanding this helps to do changes and acceptance.

I would say that I try to work with my clients so that their tigers become paper tigers and so to feel , think and act in accordance with that they are living their own life.

When I accept a person for psychotherapy, I take responsibility, together with them, for the process.

I am an advocate for children and young people, believing that each of us as human beings can develop our own way of thinking, in accordance with ones beliefs. I am inspired in this by the work of D.W.Winnicott, F.Dolto and S.Freud.

My fee is 70 euros. Offering a sliding scale if needed. If someone is in need I offer a visit to orient, free of charge. I also do skype sessions

Professional Affiliation/s:

Col•legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya